I need to express my horror and absolute condemnation of those that believe that there can be any justification for resorting to industrial strength violence, war or genocide as may be the case here. People using deadly weapons on people is WRONG. The civilized, humane means of resolving conflicts are negotiations.
Peace Is Possible
The human race got this far, not by waging war, but by cooperation.
My photos here were taken from a July 23. 2014 rally held in Santa Fe, New Mexico in protest of the unanimous support of Israel (to the detriment of the Gazan civilians) and resolution 498 co-sponsored by Senator Martin Heinrich and not objected to by Senator Tom Udall. The letter below was delivered to both Senators amidst the usual singing and chanting, even while it slightly rained.

"Each year, the United States gives Israel about $3.1 billion in military assistance, a commitment that stems from the 1978 Camp David accord that led to peace between Israel and Egypt. Those billions are roughly divided into two funding streams. About $800 million underwrites Israeli manufacturing of weaponry and military products. The rest finances what is essentially a gift card that the Israeli military uses to procure arms and military equipment from US military contractors. It can be safely assumed, says a US expert on aid to Israel, that all units of the Israel Defense Forces benefit from US assistance—and this obviously includes those units fighting in Gaza. So to a certain degree, the destruction in Gaza does have a made-in-the-USA stamp." - Mother Jones
My Mom, a WW II veteran used to iterate in unbecoming cynicism I thought, but have come, not to accept, but slowly understand:
War Is Profitable!
US taxpayers are in the absurd place of partly paying for the Israeli military action in Gaza and funding the cleanup. No doubt the US profits from war, New Mexico's National and Sandia labs are our major players, invested still too much in defense and too little in green technology. Place people and their lives above profit and greed. Sign the
Amnesty International Petition for the US to stop arming Israel: "All states (particularly key suppliers, for example USA for Israel) must suspend all transfers of weapons, munitions and other military equipment and technology to all sides until there is no longer a substantial risk that such items will be used for serious violations of international humanitarian law or serious human rights abuses. The suspension should include all indirect exports via other countries, the transfer of military components and technologies and any brokering, financial or logistical activities that would facilitate such transfers."

Inflammatory rethoric, signs and chants I personally do not deem very helpful,
but standing up and speaking out for what we believe is of the essence.
If we don't, we simply are complicit.
"All of us,who consider ourselves friends of Israel, must call on the Israeli government to use its wisdom to change course and to stop this escalation, to demonstrate a level of compassion born of moral clarity, not only for the benefit of innocent Palestinians, but to protect Israel from the destruction of its own reputation which would deprive it of world solidarity necessary for its own survival." -
Dennis Kucinich
Some pointers:
Hamas dropped call for the destruction of Israel in 2006! It is imperative for Hamas to update their outrageous preamble of their founding document: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it." The state of Israel needs absolute acceptance. Once clearly stated Israel will no longer have the excuse of self defense in their attacks, which currently looks a lot more like genocide (most certainly expressed in comments in the Jerusalem Post: "Barak Tom Salakoff - Wipe Hamas off the map.)
The right to defend ought to be a last resort only. Israel has by far not exhausted it's options to respond to the Gazan rebellion, understandable when we hear of their horrific conditions they have to endure.
Surprise, Gaza seems to have great oil potential of which some corporations seem well aware of!
I was shocked to learn only the other day that the denial of the holocaust was not just a hair raising notion coming from the prior Iranian president, but a position still held by many, including factions that make up Hamas. With todays technologies such absurd notions ought to be able to be corrected with relative ease. Hold town hall meetings where such nonsense is challenged by real people with real feelings and experiences, rather then through more propaganda. Candid, civilized conversations can be part of the solution.
Follow Denny Cormier's
live report from Gaza and find him on facebook, twitter and flickr. Denny is a Santa Fean I seen last this spring, right before he left for Gaza where now he found his home and where he chose to stay even as the war started.
Proportionality applies with numbers like 1000 Gazan fatalities - 40 Israeli soldiers.
We mourn for every life lost regardless of nationality, race, color or faith.
War is a barbaric, outdated mode of inflicting suffering through generations yet to come.
Finally, an oppressed people will rebel, they will undermine, literally, unfair boundaries and no doubt will seek to liberate themselves. End Israel's control over Gaza, it's borders, waters, space and goods,
End The Occupation!
New Gallup Poll: 42% of Americans say Israel's actions in Gaza are justified; 39% say unjustified.