Street Smarts

This guy staggered up the road, it was already dark, cradling a bottle of something in his arms, he hollered and gestured towards my pups. Meeting the devil rather head on, then have him behind my back, I responded and we got to talking. Turns out this old man with light hair was born like me in the year of the horse. He looks shockingly old to me considering the fact that I am his age.

He offered to teach me Hispanic cuisine. This after I have been preoccupied with my pride in my own home made goodies. I declined his offer to teach me the making of re-fried beans, just the way his father had taught him,  but learned that he likes our community because he can make plenty of money, he says from tourists, without the need to attend to his business of window cleaning! So, well meaning tourists, as he called them, keep at least this one homeless, alcoholic street guy in our town with their generous donations. I always said that giving to beggars is not the wisest of choices.  

While I understand of course the motivation of wanting to do good, and can appreciate the gesture of offering some money to those in seeming need, it may in actuality keep some from getting their life in order and work for a living!  Giving money to addicts helps to fuel their vice, better steer them to a real meal, a roof over their heads, rehabilitation if so desired. Instead though I keep hearing of soft hearted (brained?) folks in support of giving to those asking. I say proper helping is an art. Teach them to fish, rather then dole out small fry!

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