Just Say No!

Tales of fairies are for kids. Royalty ought to be a thing of the past. Weddings are made up of hopes, dreams and wishes - and a lot of money. Just say no! Simply say no to getting up at 4 AM to watch the royal extravaganza. Just say no to royal entertainment when here in the US we have now 3 wars to follow. Just say no to living in a fantasy in favor of reality. Realities can be harsh, but only being in it gives us a chance to change it. Just say NO!

P.S.: Truth be told I watched more then I like to admit. Loved the cocked little hats and loved the ringing of the bells and the singing of hymns. An attractive couple, but living in a glass bowl would not be my cup of tea. I sure do not envy them and their very structured, ritualized lives. I still see no point in holding on to outdated traditions, such as Kings and Queens, but hey, I am not English.

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