Today's Tidbits

"Because you kept your progressive mouth shut, I am gonna leave you a tip" my client proclaimed today. I know he was happy to leave with a lot less pain then he arrived. One has got to love those charming customers that are able to keep a sense of humor. We laughed heartily and yes, I did not engage in a conversation about my new 'Occupy Santa Fe'  bumper sticker, he of course noticed, nor about the Canadians hoping to arrest former President Bush during his visit, same as the French and Spainiards threatened.
Meanwhile our Occupy Santa Fe Encampment has grown to a full circle of tents, a beautiful sight to behold. I picked a humongous amount of greens, mainly Mustard and a little bit left over Kale from the Community Garden right across from the camp. I felt justified by the prognosis of imminent snow, hard to believe with weather warm enough to be out and about in a summer dress. I managed to stir fry all the greens and  mix them in with a whole pot of millet. I packed that and 12 hard boiled eggs  on to my bike and brought it all back to camp, just in time for dinner - a good feeling.

The Occupiers took it upon themselves to clean the bathrooms, a welcome service to the community. The street folks have been out in force it seems at the park with police nowhere in sight. The occupiers take turns in keeping watch during the night, a prudent thing to do. Some horror stories surfaced of folks entangled with families and alcohol. The Occupiers will have to hold a fine balance as regards their role  and boundaries at the encampment with the street folks that have been occupying our park all along.

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